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- 0 print"[147]":poke53280,0:poke53281,6:poke646,1
- 1 rem
- 2 rem * radioactive decay *
- 3 rem rupert report #22
- 4 rem
- 5 rem monte carlo simulation of a
- 6 rem two-product decay chain
- 7 rem
- 10 ttl=100 :rem initial number
- 20 sf=22/ttl :rem plot scale factor
- 30 nd=2 :rem number of daughters
- 40 dim nuc(ttl)
- 100 rem decay constants
- 110 dc(0)=.2
- 120 dc(1)=.05 :rem first daughter
- 130 dc(2)=0 :rem stable isotope
- 140 m(0)=ttl :rem initial amount
- 150 print chr$(147)" =-= radioactive decay =-="
- 160 for t=1 to 20
- 170 gosub 400 :rem <<< gosub 500 to plot
- 180 for n=1 to ttl
- 190 if rnd(0) > dc(nuc(n)) then 220
- 200 k=nuc(n) : nuc(n)=k+1
- 210 m(k)=m(k)-1 : m(k+1)=m(k+1)+1
- 220 next n
- 230 next t
- 240 poke 214,23 : print
- 250 poke 211,12
- 260 print"=press a key to continue==>";
- 270 get a$ : if a$="" then 270
- 280 goto 150
- 390 end
- 395 rem --- print value routine ---
- 400 print tm ">>",
- 410 for j=0 to nd
- 420 print m(j),:next j
- 430 tm=tm+1
- 440 return
- 495 rem
- 499 rem ---- plot routine ----
- 500 for j=0 to nd
- 510 y=m(j) : s$=right$(str$(j),1)
- 520 row%=22-sf*y : col%=2*t-2
- 530 if row%>23 then row%=23
- 540 if row%<=0 then row%=0
- 550 if col%>38 then col%=38
- 560 if col%<0 then col%=0
- 570 poke 214,row%: print
- 580 poke 211,col%: print s$
- 590 next j : return